The Kidlington Centre hosted another visit from Sublime Science for the Kids of Kidlington on Friday 4th August..
I was asked to take a few photographs of the event, which was great fun.
I set up a basic cross lighting setup with two flashes on either side quite high up and pointing to the centre of the performance area and one flash on a monopod inside a small softbox which I used for any closeups.
The reason for the flashes were just in case the ambient light decreased, if it did then the flashes would allow me to continue to photograph at the same aperture and shutter-speed. So once set I didn't have anything to focus on other than getting the shots.
My setting were 1/125th sec at f9.0 ISO 200. I took around 500 images all of which were well exposed with no throwaway's.

To see a few of the images you can click on the following link:
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