Saturday, 15 July 2017

Kidlington Camera Club


I am presenting an evening of Photography Tuition at the Kidlington Camera Club on 4th September 2017 at 19:30. Anyone interested in Photography is welcome to come and can even join as a new Member.

I have been asked to do a presentation on the opening night of the Kidlington Camera Club 2017 - 2018 season.

So what to do, I gave it a lot of thought about what might appeal to both experienced and beginners alike and came up with "how to use a single small flash off camera". The reason I chose this is, I have found that most photographers tend to shy away from using flash off camera because of several factors. The first is that, cables, triggers and stands all cost a lot and of course you have to lug the extra stuff around. Second is just the fear of using something that requires a different thought process to just having the flash on the camera.
The thought process is not that difficult it is just that you need to remember that with flash you have two exposures before triggering the camera. The ambient exposure and the flash exposure..

I have come up with a number of different ways to use one small flash plus a reflector to give a variety of different options. In fact I will be demonstrating 18 different ways and positions for placing the small flash and reflector, that's not a definitive list in fact I could have come up with a load more. The ones I am demonstrating are simple and use basic inexpensive equipment.
I have recently purchased a new 5 in 1 reflector from Lencarta which I am looking forward to using. It's called a 5 in 1 for a good reason but I will be showing you at least 9 different uses.

I am lucky as I will be accompanied by the beautiful Erica, a model I had the pleasure of photographing in December last year, she has promised to help with the demonstrations which include the members of Kidlington Camera Club having a chance to blind pick a set up, and with my help, putting the set up together and getting a great shot of Erica, all with just the one small flash and a reflector.

What I will not be doing is droning on about my Photography Career as a Professional Commercial Photographer and boring the pants of everyone, I will keep the chat to a minimum and concentrate mainly on the demonstrations and answer as many questions as I can at the same time.

So why not come along to the opening night of Kidlington Camera Club on the 4th September at 19:30. They hold their gathering at Foresters Hall (first Floor) in the High Street between The Kidlington Shopping Centre and Tesco. I trust I will see you there.

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